Some of CustoNexus' features•Jelly bean. duh.
•Social from the start: Facebook & Twitter included
•Tweaks: CyanogenMod and Andromadus tweaks included
•Good battery life
•Very fast, thanks to the custom kernel built with Linaro JB Toolchain. Even without overclocking you'll pwn the dual core smartphone next to you!
•Gapps included: Play store, Now, Gmail, News, Talk, voice dialer/search
•XenoAmp music player
•Custom Ringtones/notification sounds/alarms
•Slight theming (more to come)
•Easy to compile from source for anyone!
•More & More to come...
SAGA Bugs•WiFi Tethering
•Video recording
•Sometimes a random wild video playback glitch
•Some users report sound issues, some don't...
•Frontfacing camera (clear gallery and camera app data if accidentally pressed)
•Tell us!
We owe a big thanks to...•The CyanogenMod Team
•Nexx & NK111
•The Andromadus team (especially Superkid and Flemmard)
•Code Aurora
•Team NDVRu (especially m-deejay)
•Lord Clockan
•The Linaro organisation
•Anyone else who assisted or helped us
•You think you deserve a place in this list? Hit a pm!
HTC Desire S(G12)刷机教程
HTC Desire S(G12)热门ROM
HTC Desire S(G12)热门ROM
- HTC G12 刷机包 CM10.1 Android4.2.2 移植S4框架 美化优化 流畅稳定
- HTC G12 刷机包 CM10.2 安卓4.3.1 农历 来去电归属地 急速 流畅 稳定
- HTC G12 刷机包 MIUI V5 第5版 去除刷机限制 优化流畅 全新体验
- HTC G12 刷机包 基于MIUI JB最新版 MIUIV5 全新体验 优化流畅
- HTC Desire S 官方港版2.3.5+sense3.0 无修改 原装提取 可OTA升级4.0
- HTC G12 刷机包 MIUI结合 内核优化调整 高级功能 省电流畅 完美体验
- HTC Desire S (G12)刷机包 基于官方4.0.4 完整root权限 纯官方风格 极致流畅
- HTC G12 刷机包 Android4.0.4 支持短信弹窗 全局Viper4Android音效
- HTC G12 最原始的版本 回忆版 强悍 经典 温馨 稳定
- HTC G12 刷机包 CM10.1 安卓4.2.1稳定版 优化省电 流畅完美